About Us
Kraken Performance Gym was formed out of a need to have an environment to provide quality training away from the corporate world. While we like all the amenities offered by corporate gyms, we also believe they take away from the main reason people come to a gym. Here at Kraken Performance Gym our primary focuses are our members and client’s goals. We strive to provide a quality training environment backed by dedicated staff. Come and start your new lifestyle today!
Gary Hodges
Many people may ask why “Kraken Performance Gym”. There is more behind the name than just a ploy to have a nice foundation for brand marketing. This goes back to the very beginning of the owners’ fitness journey.
In the year 2011 we started going to a small circuit style class in the small town of Bassett, Va. Here we started building some relationships that would change our lives forever. The owner of this small gym was Gary Hodges, aka Hammer Hodges. At first glance Gary was very intimidating. After several classes it became apparent that this man had a heart of gold. We would go to his class a few days per week, but soon the few days turned into every day. At one point we would be there every time he had any kind of class or event. Then we started staying after class and the long nights began.

While most of the class was a circuit-based class, Gary had an extensive background in weightlifting. The weights started getting introduced after class and that is what lit the fire. From this point on, we were hooked onto anything related to fitness. The owners, Remi and Ben, both have their own separate stories of why they became dedicated to fitness; but both trace the very beginning back to Gary.
Gary had a personality like no one else. He was known for having some sayings that could be traced back to him. During class he would coach and motivate everyone to put forth their maximum effort. This period of motivation is where most of his sayings originated. One of the most known sayings he would use originated from the movie “Clash of the Titans (2010)”. There is a scene where Zeus (Liam Neeson) says “Release the Kraken”. Gary would say this throughout the night and it always seemed to come at just the right time. The saying would be used and known by anyone who attended his gym.
In 2016 Gary suddenly left us and is still missed by many. Gary always wanted us to grow to our full potential, even if it meant leaving our hometown. While he is not here with us, he will forever be remembered for all he did. Therefore, we dedicate this gym in remembrance to a guy who did not chase the spotlight but shined brighter than he realized. We will continue to “Release the Kraken” until we meet again big guy.